Arenal Volcano

Do you know the Arenal Volcano Area?

Most of the people that have visited us, here in Costa Rica, have heard or visit, at least once, the Arenal Volcano area. The volcano was once tremendously active, and until 2010 it was famous for its lava slides pictures. Back in the day, when La Fortuna was a tiny village with gravel roads, the…

Why is Cahuita worth a Visit?

Who doesn’t love to rest over white sand with a shiny and beautiful blue water in front? Well, Cahuita is one of the best places where to delight in that and way, way more things to see and do. This post will be focusing on this beautiful and impressive place, who’s magic has given incredible…

*Reasons to Visit Costa Rica

Deciding on a destination is always complicated. As usually happens on trips of more than two weeks, since you can usually only do one a year and the budget is usually higher than the rest, you need to be sure of which is the best option to fulfill your needs. In this post, we will…

Do you know about the Turrialba Volcano?

The Turrialba Volcano has been a matter in the past few years, and its eruptions have been very strong since 2014. How does this affect your trip or any traveler? Are there any precaution measures? You can read about it by checking the following information: Costa Rica has more than 100 volcanoes, and this may…

*National Parks of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful national parks to visit in the World. With great biodiversity and impressive landscapes. So we present to you, four of the most famous parks in our beautiful country. Manuel Antonio National Park: The Manuel Antonio National Park is one of the most visited parks in Costa Rica.…

*12 Tips to Travel in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is in the middle of Nicaragua and Panama in Central America. The exotic and wonderful Costa Rica is known for the lush forests, incredible creatures, and some of the best beaches in the world. You will be able to find friendly locals, endemic wildlife, pristine coastline, and awesome food. So, we created this…

*Christmas in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, Christmas is one of the most awaited days in the year, and because we are getting close to the most festive part of the year we are going to talk a little bit about it. With more than sixteen weeks without the rainy season, kids out for vacation, and the employees getting…

Private Tours in Puntarenas - Gio Tours

*11 facts about the Costa Rican Sloths

The first time someone described a Sloth was by the naturalists in the 1700s, and the Sloths were misunderstood. The early scientists designated them as slow-moving beasts, lazy and useless, and believed to be species that were unlikely to survive due to its imperfections. In modern times, sloths have undergone an image makeover and are…

*Costa Rica: Flora and Fauna

Costa Rica is a really small country, it has 51,000 km2 of land, and it’s located between Nicaragua at the north and Panama at the southeast. By the size that Costa Rica has is has an amazing diverse map, in topographic terms. We have two oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, plus seven provinces which…

*How to travel in Costa Rica?

We all know that Costa Rica is one of the best tropical countries to travel to, most of the people that have visited us will recommend you to come and enjoy the marvels and wonders, the flora and fauna, and besides that, the people. But, how to travel to Costa Rica? How to know the…